Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Life is a manuscript written by God in which we are actors only playing our part. The unique thing about this script is that you don’t really know what is in it. Life never asks us how prepared we are before it starts to shoot us with the bullets of challenges. As children, we never really know how our life will turn out. The closest idea we have is the happily ever after we read from fairy tales and the promise our parents give us of a bright future. We grow up expecting life to be fair, after all that’s what mummy said. We never know when the battles of life will come. Yes battles, they are a non-negotiable part of our script. Did you ever wonder why most fairy tale heroes always had hurdles to surmount, dragons to fight et al?
That’s just life. No one is immune to challenges. The real question is, how are you preparing? Life is not for the chicken-hearted, life is for the strong. Only this time real strength is not revealed in your biceps nor in your ability to beat down the whole school. Those who win in life are those who are armed with patience and tenacity.

Patience is the ability to endure and persevere when faced with difficulty. Patience is a virtue that enables you to wait for your dreams no matter how long it takes to actualize. Wait? Yes, wait. There is no overnight success. Life is in phases my dear and you need the virtue of patience to go through each process with a smile. Tenacity is to give undiluted determination to your dreams regardless of the dragons you will have to fight.

At this stage of your life, dreaming is so easy. You can imagine anything and not doubt its possibility. Then you enter the university and meet all kinds of problems, you go for NYSC and get posted to one village without network on your phone and after NYSC, you roam the streets going from one interview to the other with more rejection from companies than you imagined. Then you realize that believing in your dreams is not so easy. But it’s just life. Life will test you and prove you. Your ideas may be rejected many times but keep going. Be dogged about your dreams. That’s why this book is in your hands, to bring to light the realities of life so that you can begin now to prepare yourself. Do you know that even though some people complain of unemployment, some others don’t know what it means? Companies are no longer willing to pay employees that are liabilities. Every company wants to get value and will willingly pay anybody who will add real value to them. Life will not be so hard if you start now to prepare yourself.

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